المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة

المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة مكتبة تزخر بجميع الكتب التي تهتم بالزراعة و البيئة و البيولوجيا و هي فريدة من نوعها كونها الاولى في النت في هذا المجال .

رسالة جامعية : الوضع الراهن والتصور المستقبلي لاقتصاديات بعض النباتات الطبية والعطرية في جمهورية مصر العربية

رسالة جامعية : الوضع الراهن والتصور المستقبلي لاقتصاديات بعض النباتات الطبية والعطرية في جمهورية مصر العربية

المؤلف : سيد محمد سيد مفتاح
بكالوريوس التعاون و الارشاد الزراعي
تاريخ النشر : 2002

عدد الصفحات 364

Medicinal and aromatic plants in the Arab Republic of Egypt are of great importance for what is expected to be achieved from the increase in foreign exchange resources and what they can contribute to financing economic development programs and plans. This study generally aims to identify the current state of the economies of some medicinal and aromatic plants in the Arab Republic of Egypt And its future visualization, as it aims in particular to study and analyze some economic variables of the group of medicinal and aromatic plants under study, namely cumin, caraway, anise, chamomile, fennel, fennel, jasmine, oregano, mint, basil, rose, and hibiscus
And henna and kortum, in order to get acquainted with the nature and size of these variables during the study period - study the geographical distributions of the economics of some medicinal and aromatic plants during the period (1996 - 2000) to identify the places of their cultivation, production and export - study and analysis of some economic indicators for the group of medicinal and aromatic plants under study in order to get acquainted with them On the reality of the current economic conditions of these plants during the study period - a study and analysis of the future expectations of the economics of the group of medicinal and aromatic plants under study until 2005, and this study was adopted to achieve its objectives on both  analysis Descriptive and statistical economics in: measuring general trends of study variables using regression method in linear, exponential, dual logarithmic, sub-logarithmic, root, quadratic, cubic, and polynomial models of higher grades - using Gini Hirshman Coefficient - simple regression relationships - using simple predictive and symmetric dual homogenization (Brown and Hoult) and differentiated between them using one of the model efficiency indicators known as Theil s Static inequality factor
The study included five main sections, the first chapter presented: the introduction and the reference review, the research problem, its objectives, style and sources of data and a review of the most important previous studies and research that dealt with the subject of the study and explained the second chapter: the current state of the economics of some medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt determining the size and direction of the economic changes related to it And the measurement of their growth rates as presented in Chapter Three: Geographical distributions of the economics of some medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt with a view
Knowing the places of cultivation, production, and export. Chapter four analyzed the most important economic indicators with the aim of revealing the reality of the current economic conditions of these plants. Chapter five discussed: the future vision of the economics of those plants until 2005. The results of the study resulted in a set of facts, the most important of which are: First: by studying the current state of the economics of some plants Medicinal and Aromatic in Egypt during the period (1980 - 2000)



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